by | Aug 2, 2024

Commercial Snow Clearing 2024: The #1 Guide to the Top Practices


Commercial snow clearing is essential for maintaining safe and accessible business premises during the winter months. Let’s explore the reasons why commercial snow clearing is so important:

  • Overview: Clearing snow from commercial properties involves much more than simply shoveling snow. It’s about ensuring that walkways, driveways, and parking lots are safe and functional.
  • Importance: Keeping a property free from snow and ice prevents accidents and lawsuits, maintaining a safe environment for customers, employees, and tenants.
  • Safety: Timely and efficient snow removal reduces the risk of slip and fall accidents. It also ensures that emergency vehicles can access your property if needed.

Investing in quality snow clearing services is key to avoiding costly issues and ensuring smooth business operations during winter.

Key points infographic about commercial snow clearing - commercial snow clearing infographic brainstorm-6-items

Understanding Commercial Snow Clearing

Commercial snow clearing involves the removal of snow and ice from large properties such as shopping centers, office buildings, hospitals, and industrial sites. Unlike residential snow removal, which typically deals with smaller areas like driveways and sidewalks, commercial snow clearing covers vast spaces and requires specialized equipment and strategies.

Definition and Scope

Commercial snow clearing is the process of removing snow and ice from large commercial properties to ensure safety and accessibility. This includes:

  • Parking lots
  • Sidewalks
  • Driveways
  • Loading docks
  • Roadways within commercial complexes

The scope of work can range from simple snow plowing to complex tasks like snow hauling and de-icing.

Differences from Residential Snow Clearing

There are several key differences between commercial and residential snow clearing:

  1. Scale and Complexity: Commercial properties are larger and more complex. They often require a fleet of specialized equipment, such as skid steer loaders and snow melters, to handle the volume of snow.
  2. Contracts and Commitment: Commercial snow removal contracts are usually long-term and may require 24/7 readiness. For example, hospitals need immediate snow removal to ensure patient and staff safety.
  3. Equipment: While residential snow clearing might use simple tools like shovels and small snow blowers, commercial operations use heavy-duty machinery. This includes compact wheel loaders and snow plows designed for large areas.
  4. Regulations: Commercial properties must comply with various local and state regulations. For instance, in big cities, snow can’t be piled on the street and must be cleared away by truck or melter.


Snow and ice removal regulations vary by state and locality. Here are some general guidelines:

  • State and Local Laws: Different states have unique regulations regarding snow removal. For example, New Jersey holds that commercial landlords have no duty to remove snow and ice during ongoing storms. Always check local laws to ensure compliance.
  • Documentation: For commercial jobs, it’s wise to take photos of the property before snow falls. This helps document the state of the property and protects you from liability for pre-existing damage.
  • Insurance: Insurance coverage varies by state and type of property. Ensure you have appropriate coverage for the specific work being performed. Always consult with your insurance agent before starting a new job.
  • Homeowners Association (HOA) Rules: If you’re working through an HOA, be aware of their specific regulations regarding snow clearing.

Understanding these aspects of commercial snow clearing helps ensure that your operations are efficient, compliant, and safe.

Next, let’s dive into the essential equipment needed for commercial snow clearing.

Essential Equipment for Commercial Snow Clearing

When it comes to commercial snow clearing, having the right equipment is crucial for efficiency and safety. Here’s a rundown of the essential tools you’ll need:


Snowplows are the backbone of any snow clearing operation. They come in various sizes and configurations, making them versatile for different job sites. For large parking lots and roadways, a full-sized truck with a snowplow attachment is ideal. For more confined spaces, a smaller vehicle with a V-plow or straight-blade plow works best.

Key Tip: Regularly check the cutting edges and hydraulic systems of your snowplows to ensure they are in good working condition.

Snow Blowers

Snow blowers are essential for removing snow from walkways, sidewalks, and smaller areas where plows can’t reach. They come in single-stage, two-stage, and three-stage models, each offering different levels of power and efficiency.

  • Single-Stage: Best for light snowfall and smaller areas.
  • Two-Stage: Suitable for moderate to heavy snowfall.
  • Three-Stage: Ideal for very heavy snowfall and large areas.

Skid Steer Loaders

skid steer loader - commercial snow clearing

Skid steer loaders are incredibly versatile machines that can handle various attachments, including snowplows, snow blowers, and snow buckets. Their compact size makes them perfect for maneuvering in tight spaces, such as parking lots and narrow driveways.

Compact Wheel Loaders

Compact wheel loaders offer more power and lifting capacity than skid steers, making them suitable for larger commercial properties. They can be equipped with snowplows, snow buckets, and other attachments to handle heavy snow loads efficiently.

Snow Melters

Snow melters are specialized machines that melt snow on-site, eliminating the need for hauling. They are particularly useful in urban areas where space for snow piles is limited. These machines use burners to melt the snow, which is then drained away as water.

Fun Fact: In big cities, regulations often require that snow cannot be piled on the street. Snow melters provide a practical solution to this problem.

Having the right equipment is just the first step. Regular maintenance and inspections are equally important to keep your gear in top shape throughout the winter season.

Next, we’ll look at best practices for commercial snow clearing to ensure your operations run smoothly.

Best Practices for Commercial Snow Clearing

Commercial snow clearing is not just about having the right equipment—it’s about using it effectively and safely. Here are some best practices to ensure smooth operations and maintain safety:

Pre-Season Inspections

Before the first snowflake falls, conduct thorough pre-season inspections. This involves:

  • Identifying potential hazards: Look for areas that might require extra attention, like slopes or high-traffic zones.
  • Planning deicer and salt application: Determine which areas need more deicer or salt.
  • Training crews: Ensure that your team is familiar with the property and knows what to expect.

Example: At MAS Landscaping, we start our pre-season with detailed inspections to identify problem areas, ensuring efficient service when the snow hits.

Site Documentation

Documenting the site before snow arrives is crucial. This includes:

  • Taking photos: Capture images of the property to document its condition.
  • Marking key areas: Identify and mark fire hydrants, curbs, and other important features that may get buried under snow.

This helps in avoiding damage claims and ensures that your team knows where everything is, even when it’s covered in snow.

Tip: Keep a log of all inspections and documentations for future reference.

Insurance Coverage

Ensure you have the right insurance coverage for your operations. This varies by state and the type of work being performed. Key points include:

  • Liability insurance: Covers slip and fall incidents.
  • Equipment insurance: Protects against damage to your machinery.

Advice: Consult with your insurance agent to verify that you are adequately covered for both residential and commercial snow clearing jobs.

Equipment Maintenance

Regular maintenance of your snow clearing equipment is essential. This involves:

  • Checking cutting edges and teeth: Replace any worn parts before the season starts.
  • Routine inspections: Conduct regular checks to ensure all machinery is in good working order.

Fact: Proper maintenance can prevent costly breakdowns and ensure your equipment performs efficiently throughout the season.

Local Regulations

Different states and municipalities have their own snow and ice removal regulations. Make sure you are familiar with:

  • Local ordinances: Some areas have specific rules about where snow can be piled.
  • HOA regulations: If working in residential areas, understand any homeowners association regulations.

Example: In big cities, snow usually can’t be piled on the street and must be cleared away by truck or melter.

By following these best practices, you can ensure that your commercial snow clearing operations are efficient, safe, and compliant with all regulations.

Next, we’ll dive into effective snow clearing techniques to maximize your efficiency and keep your clients satisfied.

Effective Snow Clearing Techniques

When it comes to commercial snow clearing, using the right techniques can make all the difference. Here are some key methods to ensure your property stays safe and accessible during winter.


Snow plowing is the most common method for clearing large areas quickly. It involves using a snowplow attached to a truck or other heavy equipment to push snow off roadways, parking lots, and other surfaces.

  • Efficiency: Plowing is fast and effective for large areas.
  • Equipment: Use state-of-the-art equipment to ensure thorough clearing.
  • Timing: Plow frequently during heavy snowfall to prevent buildup.

Snow Hauling

After plowing, snow hauling might be necessary. This involves transporting the snow to another location to keep the area clear.

  • When to Use: Essential when there’s no room to pile snow on-site.
  • Equipment: Trucks and loaders are used to move snow.
  • Benefits: Keeps the property clear and safe without obstructing pathways.


De-icing is critical for preventing ice buildup and ensuring safety.

  • Materials: Use de-icing agents like salt, brine, or liquid deicer.
  • Application: Apply before and after snowfall to prevent ice formation.
  • Environmental Impact: Choose environmentally safe products to minimize harm.


Sanding helps increase traction on icy surfaces.

  • Where to Use: Ideal for high-traffic areas like walkways and parking lots.
  • Materials: Sand or a sand-salt mix can be used.
  • Benefits: Reduces slip-and-fall accidents, improving safety.

Sidewalk Shoveling

Sidewalk shoveling is crucial for pedestrian safety.

  • Manual Labor: Often done with shovels or small snow blowers.
  • Attention to Detail: Ensure all walkways are clear and safe.
  • Frequency: Shovel frequently during heavy snowfall to keep paths clear.

By mastering these snow clearing techniques, you can ensure your commercial property remains safe and accessible throughout the winter season. Next, we’ll explore how technology can improve your snow clearing efforts.

Tech-Enabled Snow Clearing Solutions

KBSforce™: Revolutionizing Snow Clearing

Technology plays a crucial role in commercial snow clearing. One standout tool is KBSforce™, a web-based application designed to streamline snow management operations.

KBSforce™ enables:

  • Tracking KPIs: Key Performance Indicators (KPIs) are essential for assessing the efficiency and effectiveness of snow clearing efforts. With KBSforce™, you can monitor metrics like response times, snow removal completion rates, and equipment usage.
  • Audits: Regular audits ensure that snow clearing services meet the highest standards. KBSforce™ simplifies the auditing process by providing detailed records of all activities, making it easy to verify that all work is performed to spec.

Real-Time Updates

One of the standout features of KBSforce™ is its ability to provide real-time updates. This means:

  • Instant Notifications: Get alerts on the progress of snow clearing operations, any issues encountered, and the completion of tasks. This allows for quick decision-making and problem resolution.
  • Client Access: Clients can access real-time data on when, where, and how snow clearing activities are performed. This transparency builds trust and ensures satisfaction.

Proactive Management

With KBSforce™, proactive management becomes a reality:

  • Issue Escalation: The system flags any service issues immediately, allowing for swift corrective actions. This ensures that minor problems do not escalate into major disruptions.
  • Service Verification: Clients can verify that services are performed as agreed, thanks to the comprehensive data provided by KBSforce™.

By integrating KBSforce™ into your snow clearing operations, you can improve efficiency, maintain high service standards, and keep your clients informed and satisfied.

Next, let’s dig into how to effectively market your snow removal business.

Marketing Your Snow Removal Business

Marketing your snow removal business effectively can set you apart from the competition. Here are some key strategies to consider:

Existing Customers

Your current customers are your best advocates. Keep them happy and they’ll likely refer you to others. Excellent customer service is crucial. For instance, MAS Landscaping prides itself on maintaining open communication lines throughout the winter season, ensuring complete satisfaction with their services. Regular follow-ups and prompt responses to additional needs can turn one-time clients into loyal customers.

Professional Quotes

Providing professional and detailed quotes can make a big difference. A well-prepared quote should include:

  • Scope of Services: Clearly outline what services are included (e.g., snow plowing, de-icing, sidewalk shoveling).
  • Pricing: Be transparent about costs. Include any additional fees that might apply.
  • Terms and Conditions: Specify payment terms, cancellation policies, and any other relevant conditions.

This not only sets clear expectations but also shows that you are thorough and professional.

Snow Removal Contracts

A solid contract is essential for both you and your clients. It should cover:

  • Service Details: List all services to be provided and the conditions under which they will be performed.
  • Liability and Insurance: Ensure you have adequate insurance coverage to protect against potential slip-and-fall lawsuits and other liabilities.
  • Duration and Termination: Define the contract duration and the terms for early termination.

Having a well-drafted contract can prevent misunderstandings and protect your business legally.


Efficient dispatching is crucial for timely snow removal services. Use a reliable system to manage your fleet and crews. This ensures that your team can respond quickly to snow events, minimizing downtime and maximizing efficiency.

KBSforce™, for example, offers real-time tracking and updates, ensuring that services are performed to spec and any issues are addressed promptly. This kind of tech-enabled solution can significantly improve your dispatching capabilities.

Client Updates

Keeping your clients informed is key to maintaining trust and satisfaction. Regular updates during snow events can reassure clients that their property is being taken care of. Use multiple channels such as:

  • Emails: Send regular status updates and service reports.
  • SMS: Quick texts can notify clients of immediate actions or changes.
  • Web Portals: Provide clients with access to real-time data on services performed, like the KBSforce™ system does.

By maintaining clear and consistent communication, you can build strong relationships with your clients and ensure they are always in the loop.

Next, let’s address some frequently asked questions about commercial snow clearing.

Frequently Asked Questions about Commercial Snow Clearing

Is snow blowing a good business?

Profitability: Yes, snow blowing can be a profitable business, especially in regions with heavy snowfall. The demand for commercial snow clearing services is high, as businesses need to keep their properties safe and accessible.

Long Hours: Be prepared for long hours, especially during snowstorms. Snow and ice can hit at any time, and clients expect prompt service to avoid disruptions and accidents.

Seasonal: Snow clearing is a seasonal business. While the winter months can be very busy, you may need to find additional services to offer during the off-season to maintain steady income.

How do commercial snow melters work?

Burners: Commercial snow melters use high-capacity burners to melt large quantities of snow. These burners generate intense heat to quickly turn snow into water.

Water Tanks: The melted snow is collected in water tanks. These tanks store the water temporarily before it is drained away, usually into storm drains.

Melting Process: Snow is loaded into the melter, where the burners heat it. The snow melts and flows into the water tanks. This method is efficient and reduces the need for snow hauling, which can be costly and time-consuming.

What is a snow clearing machine called?

Snowplow: A snowplow is the most common machine used for snow clearing. It has a large blade attached to the front, which pushes snow off roads and parking lots.

Blade: The blade on a snowplow is crucial for effective snow removal. It can be angled to direct the snow to the side, and some blades have additional features like rubber edges to avoid damaging surfaces.

GPS: Modern snowplows often come equipped with GPS. This technology helps operators plan efficient routes and ensure all areas are covered.

Infrared Cameras: Some advanced snowplows use infrared cameras to detect ice patches and obstacles. This technology improves safety and efficiency, especially during nighttime operations.

Understanding these aspects can help you decide if entering the commercial snow clearing business is right for you, and how to effectively use the equipment involved.


When it comes to ensuring the safety and accessibility of your commercial property during winter, choosing the right snow clearing service is crucial. At MAS Landscaping and Snow Removal, we bring a wealth of local expertise, personalized service, and professionalism to every project.

Our team understands the unique climate and environmental conditions of the region. This local knowledge allows us to select the most effective methods and equipment for commercial snow clearing, ensuring your property remains safe and operational throughout the winter season.

Personalized Service: We know that every property has different needs. That’s why we offer customized snow management solutions custom to your specific requirements. Whether you manage a large retail center, an apartment complex, or an HOA, we have the expertise to handle it all with precision and care.

Professionalism: Our team at MAS Landscaping and Snow Removal is fully licensed and insured, providing you with peace of mind. We adhere to the highest standards of quality and craftsmanship, ensuring that all projects are completed within the agreed timeline and budget. Our clear communication and transparent practices help build trust, ensuring no surprises along the way.

By partnering with MAS Landscaping and Snow Removal, you’re not just hiring a service provider; you’re gaining a reliable partner who values your property’s safety and appearance as much as you do. Let us help you stay ahead of winter weather with our professional, efficient, and friendly services.

Ready to secure your property for the winter? Contact us today to learn more about our comprehensive snow management solutions. Together, we can keep your property safe and accessible, no matter how harsh the winter weather gets.


Commercial Snow Clearing 101: Best Practices and Tips

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