by | Apr 24, 2024

Top 5 Design Landscape Tips for Beginners in 2024


Designing Your Dream Landscape: A Beginner’s Guide

When embarking on a journey to design landscape, whether it’s a quaint garden or a sprawling estate, beginning can often be the most daunting part. With MAS Landscaping and Snow Removal, navigating the essentials of landscape design becomes an engaging and effortless endeavor. This guide is crafted especially for homeowners and business owners in the Greater Boston area who aspire to enhance their outdoor spaces but may not have the time or expertise to execute it alone.

Landscape design is not merely about planting your favorite flowers or installing a water feature; it’s about creating a harmonious environment that resonates with your lifestyle and complements your home’s aesthetics. A well-designed landscape can offer a tranquil retreat, a vibrant space for entertaining or a functional area for relaxation and play.

Here at MAS Landscaping and Snow Removal, we understand the significance of having a personalized touch to your outdoor spaces while ensuring professionalism and efficiency. This introduction will give you a snapshot of the journey you’re about to embark on — from understanding the fundamental principles of landscape design to practical tips for bringing your vision to life.

Infographic outlining basic steps in landscape design: Assessing space, choosing a style, selecting plants, and utilizing structures - design landscape infographic process-5-steps-informal

Let’s dive into landscape design, and transform your outdoor space into something truly special with the expert help of MAS Landscaping and Snow Removal. Whether you are just starting or looking to refine existing outdoor areas, this guide is your stepping stone to achieving the landscape of your dreams.

Understanding the Basics of Landscape Design

Landscape design isn’t just about planting a few flowers and calling it a day. It’s about creating a cohesive, visually appealing space that complements your home and lifestyle. Let’s break down the essentials: Unity, Balance, Proportion, Variety, and Diversity.


Unity in landscape design means all parts of your garden or yard work together to form a whole. It’s about consistency and harmony. For example, you might choose a color theme like shades of green and white, and stick to it throughout your yard. This creates a sense of order and calm. A simple way to achieve unity is to repeat certain elements, whether it’s a specific plant, color, or material, throughout the landscape.


Balance is all about ensuring that no single part of your garden overwhelms the others. There are two types of balance: symmetrical and asymmetrical. Symmetrical balance is like a mirror image split down the middle, often seen in more formal gardens. Asymmetrical balance uses different elements that have equal visual weight but are not identical. For instance, a large tree on one side might be balanced by a bench and a group of smaller plants on the other.


Proportion refers to the size relationship between elements in your landscape. It’s important that everything fits well within the space. Large trees can dwarf a small yard, making it feel cramped, while tiny plants in a vast lawn can get lost. Proportion ensures that each plant or structure is the right size to complement each other and the overall space.

Variety and Diversity

Variety and diversity add interest and appeal to your landscape. This could mean mixing different types of plants, textures, and colors. However, too much variety can make your space feel chaotic, so it’s crucial to balance diversity with unity and balance. For example, you might use a variety of plant species but limit your color scheme to prevent the area from looking too busy.

By understanding and applying these basic principles, you’re well on your way to designing a landscape that not only looks good but feels right. MAS Landscaping and Snow Removal can help you apply these principles effectively, ensuring that your outdoor space is not only beautiful but also functional and sustainable.

We’ll discuss how to plan your landscape design effectively, ensuring that every step from the initial sketch to the final implementation enhances the beauty and functionality of your outdoor living area.

Key Principles in Landscape Design

When designing your dream landscape, understanding and applying key principles of landscape design is crucial. These principles help create a space that is not only visually pleasing but also harmonious and functional. Here’s how you can use these principles in your landscape design:


Proportion is about the balance between elements within your landscape. It ensures that everything in your garden is in scale with each other and harmonizes with the overall property. For instance, a large fountain might not suit a small backyard. Similarly, tiny plants might look out of place next to a large outdoor living area.

  • Scale: Ensure that each element relates well to the others by size.
  • Harmony: Achieve a pleasing balance, making the space feel unified and inviting.


Transition refers to the gradual change in the visual elements of your landscape. This can include the softening of borders between different garden areas or the gradual height increase of plants from the front to the back of a border.

  • Smooth Changes: Use plants that increase in height gradually or paths that gently curve, avoiding abrupt changes.
  • Gradual Enhancements: Introduce changes in color or texture slowly across the landscape.


Unity in landscape design means all parts of the garden work together to create a cohesive whole. This is achieved through consistent use of materials, similar plant types, or repeated colors throughout the space.

  • Cohesiveness: Plan your garden to complement the style and colors of your home’s exterior.
  • Thematic Consistency: Stick to a specific theme or style throughout your garden to enhance unity.


Rhythm creates a guided visual movement within the landscape, often achieved through the repetition of plants, colors, or shapes. It helps to guide the eye smoothly around the garden.

  • Repetition: Repeat certain elements, whether it’s a specific plant, color, or material, to establish a rhythm.
  • Motifs: Use consistent shapes or themes at intervals to create a sense of order.


Balance is the distribution of visual weight across the landscape. This can be symmetrical (mirrored on either side of a central axis) or asymmetrical (different elements of equal visual weight on either side), creating a sense of stability.

  • Symmetry: Plant identical plants on either side of a central feature like a walkway or a bench.
  • Asymmetry: Balance a large tree on one side of the yard with a group of smaller shrubs on the other.


Focalization draws the viewer’s eye to key elements or areas within the landscape. This can be a sculpture, a stunning plant, a seating area, or a water feature. The goal is to create a point that captures attention and then allows the eye to move naturally to other parts of the garden.

  • Focal Points: Introduce elements that stand out but still fit within the overall design theme.
  • Viewer’s Perspective: Consider the typical viewpoints and arrange focal points to be seen from these perspectives.

By applying these principles, you can ensure your landscape is not only beautiful but also a coherent and functional space. MAS Landscaping and Snow Removal are experts in integrating these principles with your personal style and the unique characteristics of your property, creating a seamless outdoor living area that you and your family will enjoy for years to come.

The next step is to plan your landscape design effectively, starting from the initial outline to selecting the right elements that enhance the beauty and functionality of your outdoor space.

Planning Your Landscape Design

Planning your landscape is like drawing a map before a journey. It ensures that every step you take is deliberate and contributes to the overall beauty and functionality of your outdoor space. Here’s how you can start planning your dream landscape with MAS Landscaping and Snow Removal.


Begin by sketching a rough outline of your property. Don’t worry about getting everything to scale just yet. Focus on marking permanent features that will influence your design. These might include your home, driveway, large trees, and other immovable elements. This step is crucial as it sets the foundation for your entire landscape design.


Next, take your rough sketch outside and start measuring. Record the dimensions of your yard, the size of your home, and the distance between various features. Note the location of windows, doors, and existing utility lines. These measurements are vital as they help you understand the space you have to work with and ensure that your design is proportional and harmonious.


Now, transfer your measurements onto graph paper, creating a scale drawing. This scaled version allows you to visualize your space accurately and make informed decisions about what will fit and where. It’s a critical step in ensuring that the scale of your landscape elements is in harmony with your home and property size.


Finally, place tracing paper over your scaled drawing to start experimenting with different design elements. This is where you can get creative! Try out various placements for new plants, paths, or water features. This step allows you to visualize different configurations without altering your base plan, making it easier to compare different ideas and choose the best one for your home.

Each of these steps builds on the last, ensuring that by the time you’re ready to implement your design, you have a well-thought-out plan that balances creativity with practicality. MAS Landscaping and Snow Removal can guide you through each of these phases, ensuring that the final design is not only beautiful but also a perfect fit for your lifestyle and the local environment. With careful planning and expert guidance, your dream landscape will soon become a reality.

Selecting Elements for Your Landscape

Designing your dream landscape involves careful selection of various elements that not only enhance the beauty of your outdoor space but also ensure functionality and sustainability. Let’s dive into how you can effectively choose the right colors, forms, textures, lines, and scales to create a harmonious and appealing garden.


Color plays a pivotal role in setting the mood and style of your landscape. Utilizing color theory, you can create a space that feels cohesive and expressive. Here are two main approaches:

  • Warm colors like reds, oranges, and yellows can make large spaces feel more intimate and vibrant.
  • Cool colors such as blues, greens, and purples, tend to create a calming effect and make small areas appear larger.

When selecting plants and features, consider how the colors will change throughout the seasons to maintain year-round appeal.


The form or shape of the plants you select can dramatically affect the perception of your garden. Each plant’s natural growth habit contributes to the overall composition of your landscape:

  • Upright forms add vertical interest and can be used as a focal point.
  • Horizontal forms provide a sense of grounding and can help fill expansive spaces without vertical dominance.
  • Weeping or irregular forms introduce movement and dynamism, ideal for creating a naturalistic style.

Consider the branching patterns of trees and shrubs as they add texture and depth to your landscape.


Texture in landscaping refers to the surface quality of plants which can be seen and felt. It plays a crucial role in creating visual interest and contrast:

  • Fine textures, such as those from ferns or ornamental grasses, can soften areas of your garden.
  • Coarse textures, like those of broad-leafed plants, make a strong statement and can draw attention to specific areas.

Mixing textures can increase the depth and allure of your landscape, keeping the viewer’s interest as they move through the space.


Lines in landscape design guide the eye and can influence movement and flow within the garden. They are essential in creating a structured space:

  • Curved lines create a more relaxed, natural environment, ideal for casual garden styles.
  • Straight lines offer a formal appearance, perfect for modern or geometrically designed spaces.

Use lines thoughtfully to direct attention to focal points or important areas like a sitting area or a unique plant specimen.


Scale involves the size of various elements in relation to each other and to the overall landscape. Proper scaling ensures that the garden elements are in harmony, without any one feature overpowering another:

  • Large trees and structures may overwhelm a small space unless balanced with smaller-scaled elements.
  • Conversely, tiny plants in a vast yard can get lost unless grouped or scaled up with larger companions.

Adjusting the scale can help in creating a balanced, proportionate landscape design that feels intentional and inviting.

By carefully selecting elements based on color, form, texture, line, and scale, you can create a landscape that not only reflects your personal style but also integrates seamlessly with the natural environment. MAS Landscaping and Snow Removal can assist you in making these choices, ensuring that each aspect of your landscape is thoughtfully considered and beautifully executed. With these elements in place, you’re ready to move into the implementation phase of your garden design.

Implementing Your Design

Once you have your design landscape plan ready, the next step is to bring it to life. This phase involves several key activities: soil preparation, planting, hardscaping, and installing irrigation systems. Each of these steps is crucial to ensure that your landscape is not only beautiful but also sustainable and functional.

Soil Preparation

Before any planting begins, preparing the soil is fundamental. This ensures that your plants will have a healthy environment to grow and thrive. Start by clearing the area of weeds, debris, and any large stones. Test the soil pH and nutrient levels—this will guide you on what amendments you might need, such as lime to raise pH or sulfur to lower it. MAS Landscaping and Snow Removal recommends incorporating organic matter like compost or aged manure to improve soil fertility and texture.


Choosing the right plants for your garden is crucial, but how you plant them is equally important. Ensure that you plant at the right depth and allow enough space between plants for air circulation and growth. Consider the mature size of the plants to avoid overcrowding. Planting can be done in stages, starting with trees and shrubs, followed by perennials and annuals. MAS Landscaping experts can help you select and position plants that will flourish in your specific climate and soil conditions.


Hardscaping involves the addition of non-living features like stone paths, patios, or retaining walls. These elements add structure and function to your garden. When designing hardscape, consider materials that complement your home’s exterior and the natural setting. Proper installation is key to ensuring longevity and preventing issues like uneven settling or water runoff. MAS Landscaping provides professional hardscaping services that ensure these elements are not only aesthetically pleasing but also structurally sound.

Irrigation Systems

Efficient watering is vital for plant health and water conservation. An irrigation system tailored to your garden’s layout and plant needs can save time and reduce water usage. Drip irrigation systems are ideal for delivering water directly to the plant roots, where it’s needed most, minimizing evaporation and runoff. MAS Landscaping and Snow Removal can install and maintain irrigation systems that are easy to use and adjust according to seasonal needs.

By following these steps, you ensure that your landscape is not only a reflection of your personal taste but also a functional and sustainable outdoor space. MAS Landscaping and Snow Removal is here to guide you through every step of the implementation process, from soil preparation to the final planting touches, ensuring a seamless transition from design to reality.

Frequently Asked Questions about Landscape Design

When it comes to design landscape, many questions arise, especially for beginners. Here are some of the most frequently asked questions to help guide you through the process.

Is there a free app to design landscape?

Yes, one popular option is Plan-a-Garden. This app offers drag-and-drop functionality, making it easy for beginners to visualize their landscape design without any prior experience. You can experiment with different plants, hardscape materials, and layouts to see what looks best in your space. The intuitive interface allows you to move items around freely, making it a practical tool for initial planning stages.

How much does professional landscape design cost?

The cost of professional landscape design can vary widely. Generally, homeowners spend about 10% of their home’s value on landscaping. For a professional design, prices can range from $2,000 to $8,000, depending on the size and complexity of the project. Investing in a professional design can ensure that all elements are well-thought-out and cohesive, potentially saving you money in the long run by avoiding costly mistakes.

What are the steps to design a landscape?

Designing a landscape involves several key steps, from initial planning to the final touches. Here’s a breakdown:

  1. Planning: Understand your space and decide what you want to achieve. Consider your lifestyle, the climate, and the amount of maintenance you’re willing to do.
  2. Design: Start with a rough sketch to note down your ideas. Use tools like Plan-a-Garden for a more detailed design.
  3. Soil Preparation: Before planting, ensure your soil is ready. This might involve tilling, enriching with compost, or other modifications depending on your soil type.
  4. Planting: Choose plants that fit your design and environmental conditions. Consider color, form, texture, and scale to create a balanced and appealing garden.
  5. Hardscaping: Install elements like paths, walls, or water features. These should be planned early as they define your garden structure.
  6. Irrigation Systems: Install an efficient watering system to keep your landscape healthy. MAS Landscaping and Snow Removal can assist with systems that are easy to adjust according to seasonal needs.
  7. Maintenance: Regular upkeep is crucial to keep your garden looking its best. Plan for weeding, pruning, and other care requirements.

By following these steps, you can create a beautiful and functional landscape that enhances your home and lifestyle. MAS Landscaping and Snow Removal is here to help with expert advice and services tailored to your needs, ensuring your garden thrives year-round.


At MAS Landscaping and Snow Removal, we understand that transforming your outdoor space into your dream landscape is not just about planting a few flowers or laying some sod. It’s about creating a personalized oasis that reflects your style, meets your functional needs, and blends harmoniously with the local environment.

Personalized Service: Our approach to design landscape projects is deeply rooted in understanding your unique needs and preferences. Whether you’re looking to build a serene Zen garden, a vibrant butterfly garden, or a practical and beautiful space for outdoor entertaining, we tailor every detail to suit your lifestyle. Our team of experts is committed to guiding you through every step of the process, from initial consultation to the final touches.

Local Expertise: Living and working in the Melrose area, we bring a wealth of local knowledge that is crucial in landscape design. This includes selecting the right plants that will thrive in our climate, understanding local zoning laws and building codes, and using materials that are sustainable and suitable for the region. Our designs not only enhance the beauty of your property but also contribute to the health of the local ecosystem.

At MAS Landscaping and Snow Removal, your dream landscape is just a phone call away. We pride ourselves on our professionalism, communication, honesty, and dependability. These are not just words to us; they’re the foundation of everything we do.

Explore our landscape design services and let us help you turn your vision into reality. Welcome to a world of outdoor beauty and tranquility. Welcome to MAS Landscaping and Snow Removal.