by | Aug 1, 2024

The #1 Powerful Guide to Laying Turf in 2024


Thriving Green Spaces: The Essentials of Turf Laying

When it comes to achieving a lush, green lawn, knowing how to lay turf is the first step toward success. Laying turf is a quick way to get an instant lawn that not only improves your home’s curb appeal but also supports water conservation efforts and provides a functional outdoor space in no time.

Here’s a quick rundown of the steps involved in laying turf:

  1. Prepare the soil: Ensure a well-worked, level, and nutrient-rich soil bed.
  2. Measure and order: Accurately measure your area and order the right amount of turf.
  3. Delivery: Receive your fresh turf, ready for installation.
  4. Install the turf: Lay it out immediately for best results.
  5. Watering: Keep your turf watered consistently to help it establish.
  6. Maintenance: Regular mowing and fertilizing for healthy growth.

Installing instant turf is not just about aesthetics. It provides immediate ground cover, minimizes soil erosion, and saves water compared to traditional lawns. Especially in regions with stringent water restrictions, instant turf can be a sustainable and smart choice.

Step-by-step guide to laying turf - how to lay turf infographic infographic-line-5-steps

Preparing the Ground for Turf

Before you start laying turf, it’s crucial to prepare the ground properly. This ensures the turf establishes well and grows healthily.

Choosing the Right Time to Lay Turf

The best time to lay turf is between mid-autumn and early spring. The soil is often moist and not too hot, giving the turf the best chance to root deeply. Avoid laying turf during hot summer months as it struggles to establish and requires frequent watering.

Soil Preparation Techniques

Soil Testing

Start with a soil test. This helps you understand the pH level and nutrient content of your soil. You can buy a soil testing kit or have it tested professionally. Ideal soil should be slightly acidic to neutral (pH 6.0-7.0).

Weed Removal

Clear your lawn area of all perennial weeds like couch grass and bindweed. Use a fork to dig out their roots. For more tips, see our guide on non-chemical weed control.

Soil Leveling

Level the ground by treading the area in different directions using shuffling steps. Rake several times to ensure an even surface. This prevents any depressions that could make your lawn look uneven.

Organic Matter

Incorporate well-rotted manure or garden compost into the soil. This helps retain moisture, especially in sandy soils. Make sure the compost is well-rotted, as fresh organic matter can cause the soil to sink unevenly as it decomposes.


Dig or rotovate the soil to a depth of 20-25cm (8-10 inches). This ensures there is no compaction and helps the roots penetrate deeply.

Settling Period

Leave the ground to settle for at least a few days, ideally five to six weeks. During this time, weed again if necessary. This ensures the soil is stable before laying the turf.

Weather and Soil Conditions

Avoid laying turf when the soil is too wet or frosty. Ideal conditions are moist but not waterlogged soil. Turf laid in early spring may need extra watering during dry spells in summer.

By following these steps, you ensure your ground is well-prepared, giving your new turf the best start possible. Next, we’ll dive into the actual process of laying the turf.

Soil Preparation - how to lay turf

How to Lay Turf

Measuring and Ordering

Before you start laying turf, you need to measure your lawn area correctly. Use a tape measure to get the dimensions of your lawn. Multiply the length by the width to get the total square meters.

Pro Tip: Use our Turf Calculator to make sure you order the right amount.

Once you have your measurements, it’s time to order your turf. Make sure to choose a reliable supplier who can deliver fresh turf. Freshness is key; turf should be laid within 24 hours of delivery.

Laying Technique

Step-by-Step Guide:

  1. Start Along a Straight Edge: Begin laying turf along the longest straight edge, like a driveway or path.
  2. Butt and Push: Place the turf pieces edge-to-edge tightly without stretching. Ensure there are no gaps or overlaps.
  3. Stagger the Joints: Lay the turf in a brick-like pattern. This helps with stability and uniformity.
  4. Use a Plank: Walk on a wooden plank to avoid damaging the newly laid turf.

If you can’t lay the turf immediately, keep it in the shade and sprinkle it lightly with water to keep it fresh.

Laying Techniques for Different Soil Types

Clay Soil:
– Clay soil absorbs water slowly but retains it well. Lay turf when the soil is moist but not soggy.
– Use a garden fork to aerate the soil before laying the turf to help with water drainage.

Sandy Soil:
– Sandy soil drains quickly and needs more frequent watering.
– Mix organic matter into the soil before laying the turf to improve water retention.

Loamy Soil:
– Loamy soil is ideal for turf. It retains moisture but drains well.
– Simply ensure the soil is level and moist before laying the turf.

Tools and Materials Needed


  • Sod Cutter: For removing old grass or weeds.
  • Wheelbarrow: To transport soil, turf, and other materials.
  • Rake: To level the soil.
  • Garden Fork: To aerate the soil.
  • Plank: To walk on the laid turf without damaging it.


  • Landscape Fabric: Useful for weed control.
  • Lawn Spikes: To secure the landscape fabric.
  • Organic Matter: Compost or manure for soil improvement.
  • Turf Rolls: Fresh and healthy turf.

By using these tools and materials, you ensure a smooth laying process and a healthy lawn.

Next, we’ll discuss the aftercare needed to keep your new turf thriving.

Aftercare for Newly Laid Turf

Once you’ve laid your turf, proper aftercare is crucial to ensure it thrives. Here’s a detailed guide to help you keep your lawn healthy and vibrant.

Watering Schedule

Watering is key in the first few weeks. Newly laid turf needs to stay moist to develop strong roots. Here’s a simple schedule:

  • First Week: Water daily, ensuring the soil is soaked to a depth of at least 6 inches.
  • Second to Fourth Week: Water every other day.
  • After One Month: Water twice a week, adjusting based on rainfall and soil type.

Tip: Water early in the morning to reduce evaporation and prevent fungal growth.

Mowing Guidelines

Mowing helps your turf grow thicker, but timing is critical:

  • First Mow: Wait about three weeks after laying the turf. The grass should be at least 3 inches tall.
  • Blade Height: Set your mower blades high to avoid stressing the new grass. Gradually lower the blades over subsequent mows.

Quick Check: Tug on the grass before mowing. If it lifts easily, wait another week.


Fertilizing provides essential nutrients:

  • Initial Application: Apply a starter fertilizer before laying the turf.
  • Follow-Up: Six to eight weeks after laying, apply a balanced lawn fertilizer.

Note: Follow package instructions to avoid over-fertilizing, which can burn the grass.

Common Issues and Solutions

New turf can face several challenges. Here’s how to tackle them:

  • Yellowing Turf: This often indicates a lack of water or nutrients. Ensure consistent watering and consider a nitrogen-rich fertilizer.
  • Sinking Turf: This can happen if the soil wasn’t leveled properly. Top-dress with a mix of sand and soil to even out the surface.
  • Weed Management: Weeds can compete with your turf for nutrients. Use pre-emergent herbicides in early spring and post-emergent herbicides as needed.

Long-term Maintenance

Maintaining your turf involves seasonal care and specific techniques:

  • Seasonal Care:
  • Spring: Aerate the soil to allow air, water, and nutrients to reach the roots.
  • Summer: Focus on deep watering and maintaining a higher mowing height.
  • Fall: Overseed and fertilize to prepare for winter.
  • Winter: Keep the lawn clear of debris and limit foot traffic.
  • Aeration: Use a core aerator to punch holes in the soil. This improves water and nutrient penetration.
  • Scarifying: This process removes thatch (a layer of dead grass) that can block water and nutrients. Use a scarifier or a rake to do this.

By following these guidelines, your turf will remain lush and healthy year-round.

Next, we’ll explore how to lay artificial turf, a low-maintenance alternative to natural grass.

How to Lay Artificial Turf

Laying artificial turf can transform your yard into a lush, green space with minimal upkeep. Whether you’re installing it on concrete, natural soil, or over existing grass, the process is straightforward but requires attention to detail.

Ground Preparation

  1. Remove Existing Grass or Debris: Start by removing any existing grass, weeds, or debris. Use a sod cutter for large areas to make the job easier.
  2. Excavate the Area: Dig down about 7-8 inches to create space for the base layers.
  3. Add a Base Layer: Fill the excavated area with about 5 inches of compacted granite-based road base. This stabilizes the ground and helps with drainage.
  4. Second Layer: Add 3 inches of stabilized decomposed granite. Water this layer and let it cure for three days to ensure stability.


  1. Weed Barrier: Lay down a weed control landscape fabric to prevent weeds from growing through the turf. This is especially important if installing over natural soil.
  2. Cushioning Layer: Install an underlayment if your artificial grass requires it. This layer provides extra cushioning and improves drainage.

Securing Methods

  1. Position the Turf: Unroll the artificial turf and position it over the prepared area. Make sure the grass blades are all facing the same direction for a natural look.
  2. Nail Down the Turf: Use 7-inch lawn spikes to secure the turf. Place spikes every 6 inches along the edges and every 24 inches in the center.
  3. Seam the Turf: If using multiple pieces, add self-adhesive seam tape to join them. Position the tape equally between the sheets and press down firmly.
  4. Infill: Spread about 1-2 pounds of infill per square foot to add weight and keep the turf in place. Use a push broom to spread the infill evenly and make the grass blades stand up.

Installing Artificial Turf on Different Surfaces

Concrete: Ensure the concrete is clean and level. Lay a shock-absorbent underlayment before placing the turf. Secure the edges with adhesive or nails.

Natural Soil: Follow the steps for ground preparation, including excavation and adding base layers. Ensure proper drainage to avoid water pooling.

Existing Grass: Remove the grass and follow the standard ground preparation steps. Laying artificial turf over existing grass without proper preparation can lead to uneven surfaces and poor drainage.

Benefits of Choosing Artificial Over Natural Turf

Low Maintenance: No mowing, fertilizing, or regular watering required. Just occasional cleaning to remove debris.

No Watering: Save on water bills and contribute to water conservation. Artificial turf doesn’t need watering, making it ideal for drought-prone areas.

Pet-Friendly: Pets can enjoy the turf without damaging it. Unlike natural grass, artificial turf doesn’t get discolored from pet urine and is easy to clean.

By following these steps, you can achieve a beautiful, low-maintenance lawn that stays green year-round. Next, we’ll address common issues and solutions for newly laid turf.

Frequently Asked Questions about Laying Turf

Can turf be laid on existing grass?

No, turf should not be laid on existing grass.

Laying turf on existing grass prevents the new turf from establishing a strong root system. The old grass can cause drainage problems and lead to uneven growth. According to experts, the layer of dead grass underneath can cause issues like hydrophobicity, which stops water from penetrating the soil evenly. Always prepare a clean, friable surface before laying new turf.

How often should new turf be watered?

New turf needs to be watered daily for the first 6 weeks.

Watering is crucial for root development. In the first few days, frequent watering is essential to keep the turf constantly moist. Aim to water deeply to ensure the roots grow down into the soil. During dry periods, you may need to water more often. After the initial 6 weeks, adjust your watering schedule to suit your local climate and soil type.

What is the best season to lay turf?

Spring and fall are the best seasons to lay turf.

These seasons provide ideal conditions for turf to establish. The moderate temperatures and regular rainfall help the roots grow strong. Avoid laying turf in the hottest part of summer or the coldest part of winter. However, in most parts of Australia, turf can be laid year-round, with the exception of some cooler months in regions like Victoria.

Next, we’ll explore the common issues you might face with newly laid turf and how to solve them.


Creating a beautiful and functional lawn doesn’t stop at just laying the turf. It’s about making sustainable choices and planning for long-term maintenance.

Sustainable Landscaping

Sustainable landscaping is not only good for the environment but also for your wallet. By incorporating native plants, using organic mulches, and implementing efficient water systems like drip irrigation, you can significantly reduce water usage and maintenance costs. Native plants are more adaptable to local climate conditions, making them less prone to diseases and pests.

MAS Landscaping and Snow Removal

At MAS Landscaping and Snow Removal, we are dedicated to helping you achieve a sustainable and beautiful lawn. Our team of experts is committed to quality, efficiency, and customer satisfaction. From routine maintenance to complex installations, we ensure that your landscaping investment improves the beauty and functionality of your property.

Local Expertise

Our understanding of the local climate and zoning laws ensures that every landscape design is not only beautiful but also sustainable and functional. We select plants that thrive in our local environment, use materials that stand up to local weather, and design spaces that comply with local regulations.

Ready to transform your yard into a beautiful, functional outdoor space? Explore our landscape design services and let us guide you through the exciting journey of creating a personal retreat that reflects your style and meets your outdoor living needs.

By focusing on sustainable practices and leveraging our local expertise, MAS Landscaping and Snow Removal ensures that your lawn remains a sustainable, enduring, and valuable part of your home. Let us help you create and maintain a space that not only looks great but is also functional and sustainable for years to come.


Ground Cover Glory: Step-by-Step Turf Laying for Homeowners

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