by | Sep 21, 2024

Sod Installation: Top Guide in 2024 for Stunning Lawns

The Perks of Instant Green: Sod Installation

Sod installation is one of the quickest ways to get a lush, green lawn. With sod installation, you can enjoy an instant lawn without the long wait required for grass seeds to grow.

If you’re considering changing your yard with sod, here’s a quick overview:

  • Rapid Results: Get a green lawn immediately, avoiding bare patches.
  • Durable and Healthy: Properly installed sod creates a strong, healthy lawn that can resist weeds and erosion.
  • Variety: Choose from types of sod like St. Augustine, bahiagrass, or bermudagrass to suit your specific climate and soil.

At MAS Landscaping and Snow Removal, we make the sod installation process seamless and stress-free. Our team is experienced and prepared to deliver stunning results that will improve the beauty of your property.

Sod Installation Benefits - sod instillation infographic pillar-3-steps

Sod instillation terms simplified:
backyard sod
cost of grass installation
full service landscape installation

Measure and Purchase Sod

Choosing the Right Sod

Before diving into sod installation, you need to measure your yard and choose the right type of sod for your climate and yard conditions. Proper preparation will ensure a successful and beautiful lawn.

Measure Your Yard

Accurate measurements are crucial to avoid under or over-ordering sod. Follow these steps:

  1. Walk the Area: Measure the length and width of your yard by walking it. The average step is about three feet. For shorter steps, multiply by 2.5 instead of 3.
  2. Calculate Square Footage: Multiply the length by the width to get the total square footage. For more precision, use a measuring wheel.

Types of Sod

Choosing the right sod depends on your climate and yard conditions. Here are some popular options:

  • St. Augustine: Ideal for hot climates, this sod has durable blades and a deep root system. It’s known for its excellent heat and wear tolerance.
  • Bahiagrass: This low-maintenance sod stays green even during droughts and requires less water.
  • Bermudagrass: Perfect for areas with heavy foot traffic, it grows thick and handles heat stress well.

Climate Considerations

Your local climate plays a significant role in selecting the right type of sod. Here’s a quick guide:

  • Hot Climates: Opt for St. Augustine or Bermudagrass. They handle heat and foot traffic well.
  • Drought-Prone Areas: Bahiagrass is a great choice due to its low water needs.

Shade vs. Sun

Consider the amount of sunlight your yard receives:

  • Full Sun: Bermudagrass thrives in sunny spots.
  • Partial Shade: St. Augustine can tolerate moderate shade, making it versatile for different yard areas.

Order Sod and Delivery Timing

Once you’ve measured your yard and chosen your sod, it’s time to place your order:

  1. Order Enough Sod: Always order a bit more than you need to account for mistakes and fitting odd spaces.
  2. Plan for Fresh Sod: Schedule the delivery for the day you plan to lay the sod. Fresh sod needs to be installed quickly to maintain its health.

Local Suppliers

Buying from local suppliers ensures that the sod is fresh and suited to your local climate. Plus, it can save on delivery fees.

By carefully measuring your yard and choosing the right sod, you set the stage for a successful sod installation. Next, we’ll dig into how to prepare your soil to ensure your new sod takes root and thrives.

Preparing the Soil

Soil Testing and Amendments

Before laying your new sod, preparing the soil is crucial for ensuring a healthy and long-lasting lawn. Let’s break down the steps.

1. Remove Old Grass and Debris

Start by removing any existing grass, weeds, stones, and debris from your yard. You can use a sod cutter or a shovel for this task. It’s important to get rid of everything to give your new sod the best chance to thrive.

2. Tilling the Soil

Next, till the soil to a depth of at least 6 inches. Using a rototiller can make this job easier and faster. Tilling helps to aerate the soil, making it easier for the new sod roots to penetrate and establish themselves.

3. Soil Testing

Soil testing is a critical step that shouldn’t be skipped. Use a soil test kit to check the pH levels and nutrient content of your soil. Most grasses prefer a pH between 6.0 and 7.0.

4. Adding Compost

Spread a two-inch layer of compost over the tilled soil. Compost improves soil structure, drainage, and nutrient content. Mix the compost thoroughly into the soil using the rototiller.

5. Leveling the Soil

Level the soil using a rake. The ground should be smooth and even, about an inch below any sidewalks or driveways. This helps prevent the edges of your new lawn from degrading over time.

6. Soil Amendments

Based on your soil test results, you may need to add soil amendments:

  • Lime: If your soil is too acidic (pH below 6.0), add lime to raise the pH level.
  • Fertilizer: Use a starter fertilizer to provide essential nutrients that will help your sod establish quickly.

7. Final Grading

Use an iron rake to knock down high spots and fill in low areas. Ensure the soil is level and smooth, creating an ideal base for laying the sod.

Tips for Soil Preparation

  • Watering: Give the soil a good watering before laying the sod. This helps settle the soil and makes it easier for the sod to take root.
  • Avoid Steep Slopes: Ensure the soil has a gradual slope to avoid water runoff and erosion.

By taking these steps to prepare your soil, you set the stage for a successful sod installation. Proper soil preparation ensures your sod will root deeply and thrive, giving you a lush, green lawn.

Next Steps

With your soil perfectly prepped, you’re ready to lay your sod in neat rows. In the next section, we’ll guide you through the process of unrolling and installing your sod for a flawless finish.

Laying Sod in Neat Rows

Tips for Laying Sod

Laying sod is like putting together a giant green puzzle. To make sure your lawn looks great and stays healthy, follow these tips for laying sod in neat rows.

1. Start with a Straight Edge

Begin by laying your first row of sod along a straight edge, like a driveway or sidewalk. This gives you a solid reference line and helps keep your rows straight. If you don’t have a straight edge, use a taut string line as a guide.

2. Unrolling the Sod

Unroll the sod pieces carefully and lay them tightly against each other. Avoid stretching or pulling the sod, which can cause gaps and uneven patches. Make sure the edges are snug but not overlapping.

3. Patting Down the Sod

After laying each piece, gently pat it down to ensure good contact with the soil. This helps lock in moisture and encourages the roots to grow into the soil.

4. Avoiding Air Pockets

Press the sod firmly into the soil to remove any air pockets. Air pockets can dry out the roots and cause the sod to lift or die. Use a lawn roller to press down larger areas, ensuring the sod is evenly embedded.

5. Cutting Sod

Use a utility knife or grass shears to cut the sod around sprinkler heads, pathways, and flower beds. Fold the excess sod up and cut from the underside to avoid damaging the grass blades.

6. Stagger Seams

Stagger the seams of the sod pieces like bricks in a wall. This prevents long seams where the sod may dry out or separate. It also helps the sod knit together more quickly.

7. Avoid Walking on Sod

Try not to walk on the newly laid sod. Walking can shift the sod and create uneven areas. If you need to move across the lawn, use a large piece of plywood to distribute your weight evenly.

8. Trimming Edges

For a clean finish, trim the edges of the sod along flower beds, driveways, and walkways. This gives your lawn a polished look and helps prevent the sod from drying out at the edges.

9. Handling Curves

When laying sod around curves, cut the sod into smaller pieces to fit the shape. Lay the pieces tightly together and trim any excess for a smooth, continuous edge.

By following these tips, you’ll ensure that your sod is laid neatly and securely. This sets the foundation for a lush, green lawn that will thrive for years to come.

Next Steps

With your sod neatly laid, it’s time to focus on watering and maintaining your new lawn. In the next section, we’ll cover the essential steps to ensure your sod takes root and stays healthy.

Watering and Maintaining New Sod

Proper watering and maintenance are crucial for the health and success of your new sod. Let’s dive into the steps you need to follow to keep your lawn looking lush and green.

Initial Watering

Once your sod is laid, water it thoroughly right away. This helps settle the soil and creates good contact between the sod and the soil beneath. Generous watering from the start helps the sod acclimate to its new environment and kick-start root growth.

Daily Schedule

Week 1: Water daily, preferably in the morning. Morning watering helps the sod stay hydrated throughout the day and reduces the risk of fungal diseases that can occur with evening watering.

Week 2: Reduce watering to every other day. This encourages the roots to seek water deeper in the soil, promoting stronger root growth.

Week 3: Taper back watering to twice a week. By this point, the sod should start establishing a more robust root system.

Week 4 and Beyond: Provide about an inch of water per week, including rainfall. Adjust based on weather conditions and the specific needs of your grass type.

Checking Moisture

To ensure your sod is getting enough water, use a soil probe to check moisture levels. The soil should be damp 3–4 inches below the surface after watering. If it’s dry or muddy, adjust your watering schedule accordingly.

Fertilizing and Mowing

After about three to four weeks, apply a starter fertilizer to replenish nutrients lost during the initial heavy watering period. This helps the sod establish a strong root system and promotes healthy growth.

When it comes to mowing, wait until the grass is about three inches tall before mowing for the first time. Use a push mower and set the blade to cut the grass down to two inches. This higher initial cut helps establish strong roots and reduces stress on the new sod.

Regular Fertilization: Continue fertilizing your lawn regularly to keep it healthy. Follow the recommendations for your specific grass type and local climate conditions.

Mowing Tips:

  • Always use a sharp blade to avoid tearing the grass.
  • Never cut more than a third of the grass’s length at a time.
  • Mow regularly to maintain the ideal grass height for your sod type.

By following these watering and maintenance steps, you’ll ensure your new sod takes root and stays healthy, providing you with a beautiful, lush lawn.

Proper watering and maintenance are crucial for the health and success of your new sod - sod instillation

Next Steps

With your sod properly watered and maintained, you’ll soon have a thriving lawn. In the next section, we’ll address frequently asked questions about sod installation to help you troubleshoot common issues and ensure long-term success.

Frequently Asked Questions about Sod Installation

What should you put down before laying sod?

Before installing sod, proper soil preparation is essential for ensuring that your new lawn thrives. Here are the key steps:

  1. Remove Old Grass and Weeds: Start by eliminating any existing grass, weeds, or debris. This can be done using a sod cutter or a shovel.

  2. Till the Soil: Use a rototiller to loosen the soil to a depth of about six inches. This helps improve soil aeration and allows roots to penetrate more easily.

  3. Soil Testing: Test your soil’s pH and nutrient levels using an inexpensive soil testing kit. This will help you determine what amendments are needed.

  4. Add Soil Amendments: Based on your soil test results, add necessary amendments such as lime to reduce acidity or organic compost to improve soil structure and nutrient content.

  5. Level the Soil: Use a rake to smooth out the soil, eliminating high spots and filling in low areas. Aim for a level surface that is about an inch below any paved surfaces to prevent water runoff.

  6. Water the Soil: Lightly dampen the soil before laying the sod. This helps create good contact between the sod and the soil, promoting root growth.

Can I just lay sod on dirt?

Laying sod directly on dirt without proper soil preparation is not recommended. Here’s why:

  • Poor Root Establishment: Without tilling and amending the soil, the roots of the sod may struggle to penetrate, leading to poor establishment and growth.
  • Nutrient Deficiency: Unprepared soil may lack essential nutrients, making it difficult for the sod to thrive.
  • Drainage Issues: Compact soil can lead to poor drainage, causing water to pool and potentially leading to root rot.

Proper soil preparation, including tilling, testing, and amending, ensures that your sod has the best start possible.

How much does it cost to sod 500 square feet?

The cost of sodding 500 square feet can vary based on several factors:

  • Sod Type: Different types of sod have varying costs. For example, St. Augustine sod may be more expensive than bahiagrass.
  • DIY vs. Professional Installation: Doing it yourself can save on labor costs, but you’ll need to budget for tools and supplies. Hiring a professional may cost more but ensures proper installation.

Cost Range:
DIY: Expect to spend between $200 and $500, including the cost of sod, soil amendments, and tool rentals.
Professional Installation: Hiring a professional can range from $500 to $1,000, depending on labor rates and the complexity of the project.

Time Investment:
DIY: Laying sod yourself can take 2-4 hours for 500 square feet, not including soil preparation time.
Professional: A professional team can usually complete the job more quickly and efficiently.

By considering these factors, you can decide whether to tackle the project yourself or hire a professional for a hassle-free experience.

With these FAQs covered, you’re well-equipped to handle common concerns and ensure a successful sod installation. Next, let’s recap the benefits of sod and professional services with MAS Landscaping and Snow Removal.



Sod installation is a quick and effective way to achieve a lush, green lawn. From soil preparation to choosing the right sod type, each step is crucial for ensuring your sod takes root and thrives. By following proper procedures, you can enjoy a beautiful lawn in no time.

Benefits of Sod

Instant Lawn: Unlike seeding, which can take weeks or even months to establish, sod provides an instant lawn. This is perfect for homeowners who want immediate results.

Erosion Control: Sod helps prevent soil erosion, making it a great option for slopes or areas prone to runoff.

Improved Air Quality: Lawns act as natural air filters, trapping dust, and other particles and releasing oxygen.

Cooling Effect: Grass can cool the surrounding area, reducing the heat island effect common in urban settings.

Professional Services by MAS Landscaping and Snow Removal

When it comes to sod installation, partnering with a professional service like MAS Landscaping and Snow Removal can make all the difference. Here’s why:

Expertise: Our team has years of experience and local knowledge, ensuring that your sod is installed correctly and thrives in the specific conditions of Saugus, MA, and surrounding areas.

Time-Saving: Installing sod can be labor-intensive and time-consuming. Our professionals can handle the entire process efficiently, allowing you to enjoy your new lawn sooner.

Quality Assurance: We stand behind our work with a satisfaction guarantee. Our commitment to professionalism and personalized service ensures that your project meets the highest standards.

Follow-Up Support: We provide ongoing support and maintenance advice to keep your lawn looking its best. From fertilizing to mowing tips, we’re here to help.

Ready to transform your outdoor space with a lush, green lawn? Contact us today to schedule your sod installation with MAS Landscaping and Snow Removal. Let’s create a beautiful, functional outdoor space you’ll love for years to come.