by | May 15, 2024

Spring Yard Cleanups: Top 10 Best Services for 2024



Spring yard cleanups are essential for reclaiming your outdoor space after winter. A thorough spring yard cleanup will make your yard look great and prepare it for a healthy growing season. Here’s what it involves:

  • Pruning trees and shrubs
  • Cleaning up debris like leaves and twigs
  • Lawn maintenance including weeding, fertilizing, and aerating
  • Reseeding or sodding bald patches
  • Sprinkler and hose checkups
  • Mulch installation

Taking these steps ensures your yard is ready for the vibrant spring and summer months.

Spring Yard Cleanup Tasks and Benefits Infographic - Spring Yard Cleanups infographic infographic-line-3-steps

This infographic breaks down essential spring yard cleanup tasks and their benefits, making it easier to see the value of a good cleanup. Stay tuned to learn more about each step and how to do them efficiently!

What Does a Spring Yard Cleanup Consist Of?

A spring yard cleanup is an essential process that prepares your yard for the growing season. Here are the main tasks involved:

Pruning Trees and Shrubs

Pruning is crucial to remove dead, diseased, or damaged branches from trees and shrubs. This helps improve the plant’s shape, stimulates growth, and prevents potential hazards. Use sharp pruners for clean cuts to ensure proper healing.

pruning trees - Spring Yard Cleanups

1. Remove dead or damaged branches first.
2. Thin out overcrowded branches.
3. Shape the plant without over-pruning.

Cleaning Up Debris

Winter can leave behind a mess of leaves, twigs, and other debris. Cleaning this up is vital for a healthy yard.

– Remove dead leaves and loose twigs.
– Dethatch the lawn to get rid of dead grass.
– Dispose of dead plants and pull weeds.

Lawn Maintenance

Spring is the perfect time to rejuvenate your lawn.

Key Actions:
Weeding: Apply pre-emergent herbicides to prevent weeds like dandelions.
Fertilizing: Give your lawn an energy boost with fertilizers containing nitrogen, phosphorus, and potassium.
Aerating: Use a core aerator to alleviate soil compaction and improve air and water circulation.

Reseeding or Sodding

If your lawn has bald patches, reseeding or sodding can help.

1. Remove any dead grass.
2. Spread grass seed or lay new sod.
3. Water regularly to ensure growth.

Sprinkler and Hose Checkup

Check your sprinkler system and hoses to ensure they are in good working order.

– Test each sprinkler head for proper function.
– Replace any broken parts.
– Ensure hoses are free from leaks.

Mulch Installation

Mulching helps retain soil moisture, suppress weeds, and improve the look of your garden beds.

– Use leaves, wood chips, compost, or stone for mulch.
– Spread mulch 2-4 inches thick.
– Avoid piling mulch too high around tree and shrub bases to prevent rot.

mulch installation - Spring Yard Cleanups

By following these steps, your yard will be ready for the vibrant spring and summer months.

Next, we’ll dive into the essential spring yard cleanup tasks and how to tackle them efficiently.

Essential Spring Yard Cleanup Tasks

Spring is the perfect time to give your yard the attention it needs. Let’s break down the essential spring yard cleanup tasks to ensure your outdoor space is ready for the growing season.

Removing Refuse

Start by removing any litter, dog feces, dead grass, leaves, pinecones, and other debris. Wear heavy gloves to protect yourself, especially when dealing with broken glass or sharp objects.

  • Litter and Dog Feces: Dispose of these properly. Don’t compost dog or cat feces as they contain harmful pathogens.
  • Dead Grass and Leaves: Rake up any remaining leaves and dead grass to prevent fungal diseases like snow mold.
  • Pinecones and Limbs: These can be difficult to compost unless shredded first. Gather and dispose of them appropriately.

Preparing Flower Beds

Flower beds need some love too. Remove any dead growth from perennials and ornamental grasses that you missed in the fall. Scissors can be more effective than pruners in tight spaces.

  • Additional Compost: Work compost into the soil around your plants to fertilize and improve soil texture.
  • Weed Removal: Pull out any weeds you find. This is easier when the soil is moist.


Early spring is ideal for installing trees, shrubs, and hardy perennials. For annuals and tender perennials, wait until the last frost date in your region has passed.

  • Trees and Shrubs: Plant these early to give them a good start.
  • Perennial Flower Borders: Plant hardy perennials now. For annuals, wait until the danger of frost has passed.

Pest and Weed Control

It’s easier to manage pests and weeds before they get out of hand. Early intervention saves time and effort later.

  • Preemergent Herbicide: Use a “weed and feed” fertilizer to prevent crabgrass.
  • Natural Methods: Consider using landscape fabric and mulch to suppress weeds in shrub beds.

Pruning Shrubs

Pruning helps your plants grow better and look neater.

  • Dead and Damaged Branches: Prune these back to live stems. Use a handsaw for larger branches.
  • Hedges and Evergreens: Shape these with hand pruners to ensure sunlight and air reach the center of the shrub.
  • Summer-Flowering Shrubs: Prune these before buds swell. Wait to prune spring bloomers until after they flower.

Addressing Mulch Removal and Perennial Division

Mulch helps with moisture retention and weed suppression, but too much can cause problems.

  • Old Mulch: Remove old or excess mulch from around tree and shrub bases to prevent rot.
  • Perennial Division: Thin out crowded perennials like daylilies and hostas. Divide and transplant them to fill in sparse areas.

By tackling these essential tasks, you’ll set your yard up for success and beauty throughout the spring and summer.

Next, we’ll walk you through a step-by-step guide to spring yard cleanup, ensuring you don’t miss a thing.

Step-by-Step Spring Yard Cleanup Guide

Remove Debris and Holiday Decorations

Start by clearing your yard of any litter, dog feces, dead grass, leaves, pinecones, and other debris. Winter often leaves a mess behind, including broken branches and forgotten holiday decorations. Removing debris not only tidies up your space but also prevents potential hazards and diseases in your plants and grass.

Use heavy work gloves to handle litter, especially if it contains broken glass. Gather larger debris first, then rake smaller pieces.

Tip: Consider composting the organic debris to create a natural fertilizer for your garden beds.

Break Out the Rake

Raking is essential for both garden beds and your lawn. It helps remove dead leaves and grass, allowing your lawn to breathe and grow. Make sure your rake is in good condition and isn’t missing any tines.

After raking, compost the debris or dispose of it according to your town’s guidelines. Your grass will thank you by greening up faster, and your perennials will thrive.

Pro Tip: Raking also helps control thatch buildup, which can suffocate your lawn if left unchecked.

Fertilize Your Lawn

After a long winter, your lawn will need a nutrient boost. Choosing the right fertilizer is crucial. For instance, a 20-5-10 mixture is ideal for early spring. This mixture provides the right balance of nutrients for strong roots and lush green grass.

Consult with your local garden center for the best fertilizer and schedule for your area. Use a spreader that suits your yard size for even application.

Example: If you live on less than a quarter acre, a handheld spreader will do the job efficiently.

Prune and Trim

Pruning and trimming are essential to keep your shrubs and trees healthy and well-shaped. Trim back overgrown branches and shape your shrubs to give them a neat appearance.

Tip: Do this before raking if you have a lot of clippings to avoid double work.

Use sharp pruners for clean cuts, which help the plant heal faster. Remove dead or diseased branches first, then thin out overcrowded areas.

Fun Fact: Pruning can stimulate growth by removing unproductive limbs, giving your plants a fresh start.

Edge the Beds

Edging your flower beds creates a crisp line between your lawn and garden beds, making a huge visual impact. Use a Half Moon Edger for the best results. Its rounded edge allows you to rock it side to side, loosening any small stones.

For areas overtaken by grass, a Hula-Ho Weeder and a 2 Prong Weeding Hoe can help peel back grass and weeds. This step not only defines your beds but also helps keep mulch contained.

Visual Impact: A neatly edged bed can transform a ho-hum garden into a showstopper in just a few minutes.

By following these steps, you’ll have a yard that’s ready to flourish throughout the spring and summer. Next, we’ll dive into some essential lawn maintenance tips to keep your yard looking its best.

Lawn Maintenance Tips for Spring

Keeping your lawn healthy in spring requires a few essential tasks. Let’s break them down so you can get your yard looking its best.


Weeds can quickly take over your yard if left unchecked. In early spring, apply pre-emergent herbicides to stop weed seeds from germinating. If you already see weeds, use post-emergent herbicides to tackle them.

Pro Tip: Pull weeds by hand when the soil is damp. They come out easier, roots and all.


After a long winter, your lawn needs a nutrient boost. Fertilize your lawn with a balanced mix of nitrogen, phosphorus, and potassium. This promotes healthy growth and helps your lawn resist diseases.

Tip: Use a broadcast spreader to apply fertilizer evenly. Check with local experts for the best fertilizer type for your soil and grass.


Aeration helps your lawn breathe by loosening compacted soil. This allows water, air, and nutrients to reach the roots more effectively. Use a core aerator to punch small holes in the soil.

Best Time: Aerate in early spring for cool-season grasses like fescue and bluegrass. For warm-season grasses like Bermuda and zoysia, aerate in late spring or early summer.


If winter left you with brown or bare patches in your lawn, now’s the time to reseed. Start by raking the soil to loosen it. Then, spread the grass seed and lightly rake again to ensure good soil contact. Keep the area moist until the new grass establishes.

Quick Tip: Reseed when forsythia blooms in your area. This is a good indicator that the soil temperature is right for seed germination.

Adding Sod

For a quicker fix than reseeding, you can install sod. This gives you an instant green lawn. It’s best to hire professionals to ensure proper installation.

Note: Water the new sod regularly to help it take root.

By following these lawn maintenance tips, you’ll set your yard up for a season of lush, healthy growth. Next, we’ll explore the professional spring yard cleanup services offered by MAS Landscaping and Snow Removal.

Spring Yard Cleanup Services by MAS Landscaping and Snow Removal

When it comes to spring yard cleanups, MAS Landscaping and Snow Removal stands out for its professionalism, personalized service, and local expertise. Here’s what you can expect:


Our team arrives on time, in uniform, and ready to work. We use marked vans and professional-grade equipment to ensure every job is done efficiently and effectively. After each visit, we clean up thoroughly, leaving your property looking its best.

Personalized Service

Every yard is unique, and so are your needs. We tailor our services to match your specific requirements. Whether it’s pruning trees, cleaning up debris, or reseeding your lawn, we listen to what you need and deliver accordingly.

Local Expertise

We know the local climate and soil conditions. This knowledge allows us to provide the best care for your yard. Our team understands what plants thrive in your area and the best times for various maintenance tasks.

Comprehensive Landscaping

Our services go beyond basic cleanup. We offer a full range of landscaping solutions, including:
Pruning and trimming trees and shrubs
Lawn aeration to improve soil health
Mulch installation to retain soil moisture
Edge definition to give your garden a polished look

By choosing MAS Landscaping and Snow Removal, you’re not just getting a service provider—you’re partnering with professionals who are as passionate about your lawn as you are.

Next, let’s dive into some frequently asked questions about spring yard cleanups to help you better understand the process.

Frequently Asked Questions about Spring Yard Cleanups

What does a spring cleanup consist of?

A spring cleanup is all about giving your yard the love it needs after a long winter. It covers several key tasks:

  • Removing leaves, trash, and debris: Clear out all the junk that’s accumulated over the winter.
  • Lawn breathing: Aerate your lawn to help it absorb water and nutrients.
  • Pruning shrubs and trees: Trim away dead or damaged branches to encourage new growth.
  • Mulch preparation: Refresh or add mulch to help retain soil moisture and suppress weeds.

These tasks will set the stage for a healthy and vibrant yard.

What month should I start spring cleaning?

The best time to start your spring cleanup is around March 20, which is the first day of spring. However, the exact timing can vary depending on your location and the weather. Generally, you can start your cleanup anytime in late March, April, or early May.

When to start spring garden cleanup?

You should start your spring garden cleanup when temperatures consistently exceed 50 degrees Fahrenheit for several days. This ensures that the ground is thawed and plants are ready to wake up from their winter slumber.

By following these guidelines, you’ll give your yard the best chance to thrive in the new season.

Conclusion: Spring Yard Cleanups

Spring yard cleanup is essential for maintaining a beautiful and healthy outdoor space. By tackling tasks like pruning, debris removal, and lawn maintenance, you set the stage for vibrant growth and a lush landscape.

At MAS Landscaping and Snow Removal, we specialize in delivering comprehensive spring yard cleanup services. Our team of professionals is dedicated to transforming your yard into a pristine and inviting area. We handle everything from pruning and trimming to fertilizing and aerating, ensuring your yard is ready for the blooming season ahead.

Our local expertise and personalized service make us the best choice for your landscaping needs. We understand the unique challenges of each yard and tailor our services to meet your specific requirements. With our help, you can enjoy a beautiful, well-maintained outdoor space without the hassle of doing it yourself.

Trust us to keep your yard looking its best throughout the year. With our professional touch, your yard’s potential is fully realized, enhancing your property’s curb appeal and creating a safe, enjoyable environment.

Ready to transform your yard? Contact MAS Landscaping and Snow Removal today for a free estimate and let us help you make the most of your outdoor space this spring!


The Best Spring Yard Cleanup Services for Beginners

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